Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Anniversary: Memories from our honeymoon in Cancun


Today is our sixteenth Wedding Anniversary. It is hard to believe it has been that long. Then again I can barely remember what it was like to be single or without kids.

Since we moved onto Christmas Tree Lane in 2002 our anniversary pretty much gets overlooked, we are busy putting up yard decorations and getting ready for the opening night on the first Saturday in December. By the end of the evening we are too exhausted to even think of celebrating. I was trying to remember some of the anniversaries we spent having a nice dinner out. Then I remembered our honeymoon in Cancun where we found this small local place that sold Steak and lobster for just $9.99. It was like hitting the jackpot. We had tried other big restaurant chains and some hotel buffets but this place beat them all. Maybe it was because we had found it on our own, or the local feel, that fact that we were on our honeymoon, or maybe just the awesome price but we went back to this place a couple of times while we were there. It was that good.

Tonight I imagine about the closest we'll get to our memories in Cancun is Taco Bell with two little kids who will chat our ears off with details of the latest Phineas and Ferb episode. And, for some unexplainable reason it will be perfect. Maybe it's just the comfort of not having to cook it myself, or the fact that I will be too tired to care, maybe it will be the goofiness that settles in with fatigue or, maybe it will be the pleasure of seeing how awesome the past 16 years have been reflected in our children and the bond of our family unit that makes this evening special and a wonderful memory in itself.

1 comment:

  1. I remember the excitement of that trip to Cancun and I think that it was the perfect prelude to our life together. There was our love for each other, our spirit of adventure and just enough goofiness to keep us laughing. The past 16 years has been a blast and I expect the next 16 will be better. Because it just keeps getting better.


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