Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Joseph Family's Boy vs. Girl Bay Area Weekend Part 1


Here we are just four days away from heading to the Bahamas and what does our crazy family do? Decide to spend the weekend before we leave in the San Francisco Bay Area of course. It started out with Stuart and Steve just going away to do some guy stuff but I quickly jumped on the bandwagon for Leah and I. Thus our boy vs. girl weekend. IMG_1739IMG_1737 Steve and Stuart are attending the GeForce LAN party in Alameda on the USS Hornet. If you’re not familiar with LAN parties they are computer gaming parties. You bring your computer hook them up to a network and then play games against each other all weekend. It's a total guy thing. Although, I hear that girls do attend and my fear is that someday Leah, with her love of first person shooter games at the age of 7, will one day be begging to join them leaving me all to myself. Maybe that's not so bad after all? Anyway for now we're split 50-50.
The USS Hornet is a fun place to visit even without the LAN party going on. It's a World War II aircraft carrier that sailed mostly in the South Pacific. It was also used to pick up the astronauts after coming back from walking on the moon. The aircraft carrier is where they took their first steps back on earth. They have a huge exhibit about this and even have the isolation/decontamination trailer they used to quarantine them while they made sure they weren't bringing back any harmful bacteria. And for those of you who like a good ghost story it is supposedly one of the most haunted places in the Bay Area. So, the boys are going to have a great time no doubt but, Leah and I are ready to have some girlie fun. Our base headquarters is Pleasanton California. From here it is only a quick ride to Alameda for the boys. Our hotel is in the parking lot of the Stoneridge Mall and only steps away from the BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) station. I'm sure you're already imagining how much girlie fun we can come up with. Once we got to the hotel. We walked right over to the mall and went to the nail spa for pedicures. It was Leah's first professional pedicure and she was loving every minute of it. From the picking out of the nail polish to the lemon in the water and finally the lotion and massage that comes just before the polish. Leah had flowers with added jewels painted on her toes. They look so cute and she couldn't take her eyes off them all night. I on the other hand (or, perhaps foot) had chose a color named Cajun Spice the perfect coral color that goes with both reds and pinks. Leah and I now have toes that are ready to step on Caribbean sands and soak up the sun. IMG_1676IMG_1683 Next stop dinner. We indulged ourselves with honey walnut shrimp from Panda Express before coming back to our hotel room where we brought stuff to make new hair-bows for vacation. This was a great start to our weekend. Tomorrow, Leah and I head in to San Francisco for the day.

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