A few weeks ago during our Boy vs. Girl Bay Area weekend while Leah and I were walking under the rotunda in the Westfield Mall on Market street in San Francisco she blurts out in her 7 year old way "The Government Is rich.". I asked her why she thought that and she said “Because this building is beautiful.” I could see she was overwhelmed and in awe of the beautiful artwork of the rotunda. I tried correcting her by reminding her that we weren't in a government building but she wouldn't budge she said "Still the Government is rich.". Over the next few weeks her words brought a smile to my face as I recalled them. Then I remembered a time when I felt much like she did underneath the rotunda. Overwhelmed with beauty and inspired to believe in incredible greatness.

In 1982 my family journeyed to Alaska. We camped in a pup tent and full size van through out the entire trip through British Columbia, Alaska, and the Yukon Territory. It was an experience of a lifetime and I had an amazing view from my car window where I could watch and see how the landscape changed. I remember at one point near Boundary Alaska how in awe I was of the view. Our elevation was up above the tree line which meant that as you stood on the cusp of one mountain you could see for miles and miles around you and all there was to see was mountains. I suddenly felt very small and insignificant. Our little van and the dirt road we were on was completely swallowed up by the huge vastness of the land. I was in awe and knew that there surely was a God and he was powerful, and majestic, and great. Have you been to a place that has inspired you and left you in awe?
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