When I shared the title of this blog with everyone this morning "Boys vs. Girls" my son promptly responded "Boys win!" There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to have more fun than the girls. So, the competition was on, who would triumph in our quest to find and indulge in the most fun? There is a certain thrill of adventure every time I buy my BART ticket into the city. As Leah and I walked to the station, bought our tickets and waited on the platform it was a moment of hopeful adventure for both of us.
One of the best stops on the BART route is Powell station. Who couldn't love being dropped off in the basement of one of the best malls in the city. You could literally take BART into San Francisco exit at this station and never even step out into the fresh crisp ocean air this city is famous for. Leah proved to be quite a shopper today. I dare say she just about out shopped me. Of course, we shopped the Hello Kitty store, the toy store, Bristol Farms, a favorite of mine, and an accessory store. I now know that Leah is a fan of all things that glitter and, feathers.
We finally stepped outside into the city and she gasped as she took in the view of skyscrapers that welcomed us. We were right at Market and Powell streets where the cable car stop is. There is always live music and a lot of people around this location. Leah kept asking "Where's the parade?". We continued on up Powell to Union Square but had to duck inside a pink and white shop filled from floor to ceiling with sparkly costume jewelry. I didn't think I was ever going to get her out of this store. I'm sure she left only because I promised the next stop would be the Disney Store. We finally got to the corner of Powell and Post where the Disney store has always been and low and behold it wasn't there. Thank God for the iPhone that let me Map Quest it and find its new location saving me from having to disappoint my 7 year old. After the Disney Store my next stop was Yerba Buena Gardens. This has been on my list of to dos for awhile and I decided this might be the best time to discover what some say is the city's best little gem
Once in the gardens it really does feel like a rare gem. The green grass and shady trees all enclosed by sky scrapping buildings. Leah and I enjoyed walking through the gardens and seeing the waterfalls and she even enjoyed the children's play area but, when she spotted the ice rink it was all over. There was nothing she wanted to do more than ice skate. So, we did.
We found some dinner and then began our journey home. As we were approaching the Altamont Pass I kept thinking it seems awfully dark something's different about the landscape. Then it dawned on me, the huge Jesus Saves Cross on the slope of the hillside wasn't lit. It is amazing how things can become so familiar to you. Most of the time you pass them without even thinking, but when they are gone it stands out. I spent many years traveling this particular route for work and it was somewhat of a mile marker for me as I traveled back home. One of those familiar sights that assure you you’re on the right path. It was missed tonight as I thought of how many times that it also spoke to my heart and reminded me that no matter how far I go from home He is always with me.
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