On my first trip to Walt Disney World I knew we were going to need a stroller and agonized over which one to bring. Bringing my full size stroller was something that seemed way to bulky and cumbersome to consider but I knew for naps and over all comfort that I would miss it if I didn't have it. My umbrella stroller was of course the most convenient option to travel with but it lacked underneath storage, the ability to lay down and most of all the very important adult drink cup holder. In the end I ended up buying a hybrid umbrella stroller of sorts. It was easy to travel with but still lacked so much.
While planning our next trip to WDW the whole stroller issue arose again. I had sold my hybrid umbrella stroller at a garage sale and I wasn't going to buy a new one. And, renting one at the parks was not as convenient as they make it out to be. The under seat storage isn't very big. When my first child was a baby we tried this and found we couldn't even fit the diaper bag underneath. They were also hard plastic and not very comfortable.
While perusing through the Disney boards one night my husband found a comment about something called Orlando Stroller Rentals. After digging a little further and finding out exactly what it was they offered we both thought "This is too good to be true." Here are the facts that convinced us to give this service a try.
- Convenient pick up. When you rent a stroller through them they have it waiting for you at your hotel when you check in.
- 24 hours a day. This means that you will have the stroller for the duration of your visit. You will have it to use at your resort, Downtown Disney, the water parks, etc.
- Convenient drop off. At the end of your stay at check out you leave it with belle service and the stroller company comes to pick it up.
- Quality, clean, heavy duty, state of the art stroller. The stroller we received was nicer than any stroller I had ever owned. It laid down flat and went up fast
with one hand. It was a stroller I was proud to be seen pushing around.
- Price. It cost us the same amount of money to rent through them for the full 7 days we were there compared to just renting a stroller 5 times for the days we were actually in the park . Since then we have heard of other services in the Orlando area that offer the same thing. Kingdom Stroller Rentals, and Magic Stroller Rental. We no longer need strollers when we travel but this is one convenience I wish I would have had more opportunity to take advantage of. Now when my husband and I think of Orlando Stroller Rentals we always say "Why didn't we think of that?"
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