During the Christmas season we enjoy going to look at Christmas lights. It"s true! We may live on the community Christmas Tree Lane where thousands of visitors come to see the lights but after we have ours up we are eager to go check out other places that are spectacularly lit.
Here are some other places that we love to visit.
We come to look at these lights every year and enjoy seeing how it changes. He has his lights synchronized to music and broadcast his own radio frequency so you can tune in with your car stereo. Last year he even added water jets. He now has dancing water show to go along with his lights. This is a don’t miss house.
1408 Glen Aulen Dr. Modesto, CA 95350
4004 Thornhill Way, Modesto, CA 95356
Our son has always been fond of trains since he discovered Thomas the Train at age two. So, we have always made sure to go and see the Oxford Court Train in Turlock CA. This train runs on an elevated track that goes around the entire court. The neighbors all put up lights and it is a fun place to get out and walk around.
Oxford Court, Turlock, CA 95382
Steve has a list of new places to visit this year as well. Most of them are in Tracy, CA.
And one in Stockton, CA.
We hope to make it to these places and add some more favorites to our list. We have found most of our favorite places to visit on Lights of the Valley. This website is the largest most comprehensive list of the best and brightest lights of the Northern California area. Check it out and if you have a great house to add let them know.
This year we tried the Fresno Christmas Tree lane which is now a must see. I plan on making it a yearly trek.